How it works?

step 1
We work with the media subscriptions of:
Spotify Premium
step 2
You choose the subscription you want On our Telegram Channel then you will receive a link that will direct you to our specialized bot that will provide you with the subscription.
step 3
You will choose the desired language, And you will receive the gray tariff. Pay you by PayPal secure payment fill in your account information and we will create the subscription for you.
step 4
It's simple, fast and economical!

About us


We offer you a subscribe to various media services at the best price.

We have partnered with several companies to help you find the best prices for your media subscribes and provide you with the best prices for the Premium subscribes you want.

It's simple, fast and economical.

It's simple, fast and economical.

How can we help you?

The set time has passed and I still have not received the bill, what do I do?

You ordered an account, the number of hours set for you has passed, and you still have not received it? Yes, it can happen! So what's the reason for this? There are dozens of orders a day, dozens of users and passwords, so sometimes it happens that one of the customers is forgotten, too We are human beings, it happens. Therefore we wanted to contact you please, anyone who has not received his receipt after the pre-arranged number of hours will send Instant notification to customer service." msstr

After the purchase, can I exchange a password email for the Netflix account?

Indeed, the subscription is legal and official to Netflix and there is no fear of disconnection, so you can change your email and password. It is highly recommended to change the password after purchase.

Is it possible to add a phone number to recover the password?

Yes, as with a regular Netflix account, you can add a cell phone number to recover the password in case you forgot it.

How soon will I receive the account information I ordered?

Subscription details will be received by you after a maximum of 24 hours from the moment of payment.

How to pay?

The payment options we currently have: , PayPal, Bitcoin

How do I change my Netflix password?

When you buy the account, you receive from us in the message the username - the email and password you have entered. It is recommended to change your password at the following link: Enter your current password and then the password you want to save, verify, and the new password will be updated!

Request for an additional subscribe that was not found here

Disney, Amazon Prime, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows
